Build success through collaboration and connectedness.

This is what we offer.



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Proin lorem lorem, ultrices id enim quis, interdum finibus elit. Sed id iaculis purus, ut euismod tortor. Suspendisse vestibulum mollis dolor, in condimentum libero semper non. Fusce eu lacus a augue blandit finibus et sed urna. Maecenas fermentum finibus quam quis viverra. Orci varius natoque.



Suspendisse auctor enim at risus vulputate, ut imperdiet dolor eleifend. Etiam eu dignissim ex, in sodales odio. Cras consequat ornare odio, vel faucibus ipsum consectetur at. Fusce efficitur, tellus in vehicula molestie, risus massa suscipit mauris, id imperdiet nisi mi vitae ligula. 



Donec quis porttitor diam. Donec ut velit in dolor ultricies condimentum. Duis non fermentum metus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed et egestas metus, sollicitudin faucibus velit. Praesent ligula dolor, rhoncus ut urna non, rhoncus interdum lectus.

This is how we work.

We make emotional intelligence practical.

Decades of research show that satisfaction with work life is directly linked to emotional intelligence, yet more than 80% of all employees globally are emotionally disengaged from their work and their organizations.

At Kintla, our team of psychologists and neuroscientists have spent the last four years developing and testing a simple but practical way to understand our emotions and how to influence them.

It’s all about the brain.

We believe that understanding the brain is the best way to understand ourselves.

The human brain has evolved very little over the last 10,000 years. The same systems that evolved to keep us alive in a perilous world now hinder us—hijacking our emotions, our attention, and our best intentions for our work and our relationships with others.

A new way forward.

Kintla’s programs teach people the skills they need to stay aware of their emotions and make small adjustments moment-to-moment in order to optimize their state of mind and connectedness with others. Ultimately, this leads to improved quality, safety, and productivity.

Learn more about our approach & our team.